Natural beauty products designed and made in Wanaka by Rebecca Wilkinson, where she lives with her partner and two children.
In the beginning I was amazed at the array of different products we have for different purposes all marketed to do different things. Some of them would have similar ingredients and do the same thing. I wanted to reduce the amount of products I used and owned, Wika Weka is a small collection of products suitable for the whole family. Each product has multiple uses thus reducing the amount of products you need.
By going back to basics I have created an uncomplicated range of products suitable for all skin types including sensitive.
You know your own skin and what its needs, be it a pure oil, a moisturiser or a balm. Follow Wika Weka on Facebook for sound advice on good skincare routines. Wika Weka products are about supporting the skins own natural support system, by following a good skincare routine you can achieve healthy, glowing skin.
My mission was to design a range of products using local, natural and organic ingredients, but still remaining an affordable everyday choice for the whole family - big or little, old or young.
I hope you enjoy using the products as much as I do, if you have any queries please contact me here.
Our philosophy...
"What we take or use we must return in kind to maintain balance and equilibrium"
This comes from the old Wiccan philosophy from which I named my company for (Wika) and for the New Zealand bird (Weka) which lives on Lake Wanaka’s Mou Waho Island.
In keeping with this philosophy, ingredients are sourced as close to home as possible. Minimal packaging is used and the return and re-use of containers is encouraged.